Friday, April 9, 2010

malarial dayz :-(

my goodness...
27th march to 7th april... malaria episode - II... hellish dayz... 

i would like to thank all the good souls who helped me go to trichy and took good care of me, esp suresh anna and shobi... 

i  was admitted in the hospital for more than a week at trichy...
just imagine... no sleepin, no msgin, no chattin, no buzzin etc etc. but only vomitin, cryin, nd starin d ceiling...

my aunt stayed wid me at the hospital and took gooooood care of me... my mom, dad, granny nd grampa would visit me everyday with loads of advices on how to take care of my health...

the tablet for malaria, chloroquine evokes vomiting... i need to eat some solid food to take tablets... but cant eat due to the former reason... feelin like laughin now wen i remember me running to the bathroom to vomit after every meal... the whole ward would look at me with pity...

though i was feelin very uncomfortable stayin in the ward, had some pleasant experiences too... 
a muslim granny was in the bed next to me... her son saw me running to vomit and his heart melted... he voluntarily got a bottle of water from my aunt and prayed with it, chanting some verses... he asked me to drink it as it had been blessed by god... was really moved on his benevolent gesture... in these days of religious intolerance, we do have such noble hearts...

a doctor would visit the ward everyday... one day, she asked me "குட்டிக்கு எப்படி இருக்கு இப்போ???", thinking that im a school-goer and was surprised to know tat im a pg student... she used to be strict yet kind... I went to the hospital a few days after my stay at the ward for a check up and she had come in front... but, me, an idiotic person, did not notice her in spite of her smiling at me... tis too, i came to know from my mom who was coming behind me... 
i donno y i do this often... physically present, but mentally roamin elsewhere... really feelin bad about it... gotta visit her sometime later and thank her...

nd gotta thank the most important person, GOD, the almighty, who had blessed me... there weren't many classes due to the department symposium  and the submission of all the assignments got postponed... i thank beulah for helping me contact the teachers during my absence... the teachers were also kind enough to permit me to handle seminars and submit assignments a bit later... they ll be in my prayers...

nd last, but not the least, used to get some random thoughts during my stay at the ward and jotted them down... though i cant call them poems, relived the days where i used to get prizes for penning some poems during schooldays...

ll share that too wid you....:-D

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