Thursday, May 17, 2018

Lyric mania

Life has taken a steep turn, for the better. Am a stay at home mom now and experiencing joy, toil etc to the bits; and loving it.

This has revived my literary(!!!???) interests and i'm coming up with short poems, lyrics or write ups or whatever you call them, now and then.

The following two situations were given by my friend Viji. Whether the write ups do justice to the situations is left to you :-)

No bashing please.. Look at it only as a try from an amateur :-)

Situation 1:
Male version: this character is a desperate graduate, no vision of future but with spirit to do something. Four lines of youthful, confused, gonna win kinda song.

குழப்ப மேகங்கள் குலைக்க முயன்றாலும்
வெற்றிக் கதிர் வீசுதல் திண்ணம்
அஞ்சாமல் வீறுநடை போடுவேன் எந்நாளும்
பயணம் என்னை பலவிதம் பலமாக்கும்

Despite the clouds of doubts
Sunshine of victory is certain.
I will walk fearlessly everyday
in this journey which will strengthen me

Situation 2:
Old lady.. Resting, rejoicing her journey of life.. In a evening..

எத்தனை மாலைகள் இதுபோலே
இனிதே காண்பேன் இனிமேலே
கருணை காதல்அன்பு என
கனிந்து நின்றேன் கதவருகே
கடவுள் கூப்பிடும் நொடியினிலே
கடந்து போவேன் வான்மேலே
அவன் காலடியதனில் இளைப்பாறி
கரைந்து போக வழி கேட்பேன்

How many more such evenings
Am i going to experience joyfully..
With kindness and love
I stand ripened near the door (of my life)..
When God beckons
I will fly towards the sky...
I will rest in his foot
And ask him the way to become one with him.

Thanks for reading :-)


  1. very nice Suriyah.. keep going..
    all the best for your new turn and hope things will be better soon ..

  2. Superb re.. keep going.
    So will u mind if i ask u to write a poem for another situation?☺

    1. Thanks de..
      Sure de, will try, ping me the details.

