Friday, December 1, 2017

Random thoughts - The No.1 mania

Off late i feel I am not blogging, at all. So planned to blog my views on random issues now and then under the heading "Random thoughts". Hopefully i blog regularly.
These days i see many parents thrusting into their children, the intention that their kid is number 1 or first rank in whatever they do. Honestly, any parent would have this thought process but these days it is getting maniacal.
Cute little kids painted with heavy make up hold the microphone and render or gyrate to appropriate or inappropriate songs. There were instances of the kids getting beaten for the so called under-performance. Do we really need to kill the innocence of kids? Introducing kids to some form of defeat is actually good but it is unfair to burden them with the pressure to win.
With a truckload of books on the back, kids set out to school along with the load of being THE best, that is first rank at school. Not to forget the constant nudging to be good in drawing, music, sports, karate etc alongside academics. If the kid fumbles as any normal kid would, she / he is scolded, ridiculed or even beaten. Is it fair?
Parents who strive for the so called excellence of kids in almost everything under the sun, do you have any idea of the pain the kid experiences? Or the psychological effects of the "No1" mania? The kid may develop low self esteem which is very detrimental.  Result, the kid may become an introvert, very self centred or rebel by not doing anything expected of  her/him.
On a longer run, the kid may feel that anyone who is anything lesser than no.1 is inferior. This thought is one of the root causes of almost all societal problems. The constant pressure to be number one in one's career track, to be the dominant person in a relationship or to be the most influential person in the family etc kind of makes people to try getting there by fair or unfair means. Not many will understand that attaining the goal may make one happy;  but the path taken in the journey towards that goal defines that individual. It builds the person one is .
The point is, let us not pressure our children to be no.1 in whatever we want. Let them be children and enjoy their childhood and innocence. Let us value people for the persons they are instead of the no.1 tags they hold , their financial or societal status. Let young minds be instilled that being fair and just is to be valued more than being a dominant one in something. After all, the journey holds more happiness and experiences than does the destination.


  1. Well said "My Reflections.."
    Tis no1 mania of adults kills the innocence in kids nd make them socially ill. Life is so different, That they can't copy from others. Let them solve their own question paper which God has given them. Everybody cannot have same shoes. I appreciate the writer of this blog for the most thoughtful nd most needed context which is framed so well which would make people to think abt it.

  2. Very nice and needy thought to all parents... Being better person is important than no1 in curriculum...

