Monday, December 27, 2010

Prodigious commoners

          Inspiration - what's that??? That which emanates from men who made it very big in life??? Does it take a persona in the lines of Dr.Kalam, The Mahathma, Ms.Kiran Bedi to inspire us??? Hmm... Not necessary!!!

         These Chennai days are teaching me so much than did the insulated, secure days at Trichy and the fun-filled yet shielded days at Tanjore. Each day dawns with the list of regular ordeals which confront me without fail - crossing the road (thanks to the signals @ anna univ entrance and santhome church!!!), the backpack which makes 50% of my weight only to pull me back during walk, squeezy travel in mtc etc.,  In this process, i encounter men, as common as you and me (or rather me alone!!!), who make impressions, which do not get eroded that easily!!!

         The first person i am going to mention is one who does one of the difficult jobs - being a bus conductor. Most of these men, as per my observation, are very short tempered and shout to the top of their voices to keep the situation under control. Can’t blame them though!!! But, this person was very cool despite the moderate crowd. The ladies, who were standing, were made to sit after he made some men sitting in the ladies side to stand. He apologized for having dashed by mistake, someone who was standing near me. Unlike others doing his job, he was very polite and called everyone "நீங்க", "sir", "அம்மா". Usually, the passengers would be called "நீ", "அது" etc as if they were inanimate!!!

       As you may know, Kamarajar Salai leads to the Tamil Nadu legislature from Santhome via Rajaji Salai. From 9:30am, the traffic in this road would be flooded with VIPs' and their escorts' cars. Unfortunately, one day, i got held up at the signal where 3 roads converge in front of the Church. There were two traffic policemen managing the traffic for a VIP's car to pass. I had to cross the road and was waiting there for more than 15 minutes. At last, the VIP's car passed and we were signalled to cross the road. When i crossed, one of the policemen said, "சாரிம்மா... ரொம்ப நேரம் நிக்க வெச்சிட்டோம்..."(meaning "Sorry, we made you wait for a long time"). I was really surprised and gave him a smile and sped.  Despite the fact that it wasnt a part of his duty to apologize to a puny creature for something he wasnt responsible for, he did!!!

         The final one is somewhat funny. That was the day of my "Data Mining" semester examination which dawned in a less rainy and cloudy manner than the previous day. I was speeding to the bus stop with the book in my hand. After five minutes or so, when i had crossed less than half the distance, it started raining!!! That too very heavily!!! The function i ran to search for the umbrella in my bag, returned "void"!!! Adding to the downpour, the vehicles which passed by did a great job splashing water and drenching me and my book fully. Fortunately, i got a seat in a bus. But the worst part was that, my book was fully damp with one page missing and the other pages sticking with each other. I could do nothing but to curse my absent mindedness which was worsened by the exam tension. There was a lady, who seemed like a construction worker sitting behind me. On seeing my pitiable plight, she offered a plastic cover to have my book inside it. Needless to say, it was the need of that hour and i thanked her from the bottom of my heart. She gave me a kind smile and got off the bus. 

          So, to conclude, please go to the first paragraph!!!

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