Monday, February 15, 2010

Are we righteous to other living beings?

Recently, Aircel and WWF have started a campaign, "SAVE OUR TIGERS"...  Many hoardings have been put up on the roads... I was just carried away by the picture of a cute cub sleeping on a log of wood... So, googled "save our tigers" outta eagerness ... and opened ... saw this picture...

I was really moved on reading the caption on the picture...
There were 40000 tigers before and now their number is just a meager 1411... They are being hunted for their hides...

Despite the facts like tiger is our national animal, the heritage has to be maintained, food chain must not be disturbed, etc etc, wont the hunters and poachers realize that it is also a living being, it will also feel the pain when hurt,  and it has equal right to live as we do?

This campaign made me ponder about whether i am doing justice to the other living beings... Inspite of being a person who loves animals and would love to have pets at home(unfortunately not having one), i am a non vegetarian and really feeling bad about that...

My feelings for a goat whose body is hung in the mutton shop for sale, just vanish when it is  on my plate after getting cooked. My heart and brain have become a slave of my tongue.

I am feeling guilty.

Let us regard other living beings also as members of our clan...  They also can feel pain, have the right to live and have feelings as we do...


  1. hi suriya
    i m really lucky to have a friend like
    its only because in modern sofesticated world even human beings are not considered
    but you have so much concern over animals..
    really great..

  2. I really appreciate your writing about Tigers..

    And your feeling toward non-vegetarianism is simply the truth.. I too was once a non-vegetarian.. One day (three years back I think) suddenly realized very bad when I saw a goat's throat slit in the butcher house..

    I was no more a non-vegetarian.. How come we human beings can eat those innocent animals which are unable to tell us how painful it is to their species..

    Are you a NON-VEGETARIAN still ? Sorry no offense meant btw..

