Sunday, August 21, 2011

A new leaf turned over??? Not exactly :)

Migrations from a comfort zone(or rather an accustomed zone) had been always been scary. But this one, from student life to corporate life is not as scary as i expected it to be!!!

All the events pertaining to this job - right from the interview to the first day induction saw a reluctant attendee in me being in a stew. My campus interview attendance would not have been actualized if it was not for Viji's motivation. And here i am, working with one of the prestigious IT companies in India.

I have to admit that till the third day of training, "Have i taken the correct decision???" feeling was strangulating my brain. Thank God, i have a wonderful, sweet set of people around me both at hostel and office.

My hostel friends - In spite of having studied in the same institution for two years, i did not strike rapport with these sweet people. They are very warm and friendly with a place for anyone who wishes to join them. After two of my "recluse" years, their company comes as a whiff of fresh air!!!  Being a group of eleven, we enjoy the travel to office every morning. Giggling for no reason, teasing each other, taking liberty, singing, acts of stealth during sessions - wow, i'm being a little of the mischievous and bubbly one i was during my UG days.

At office, its kind of a packed schedule always. But it is great to be with my energetic, fun loving colleagues. The batch in which i have been put in is a dynamic one. Learning and enjoyment take place in parallel. Though i don't participate too much in the fun part, it has a very good effect on my mind. A birthday celebration and a family day function at office saw an electrified M21(our batch id)!!! I don't know what i am technically learning in this training. But team spirit and personality development are inculcated implicitly. Happy to be a part of  this effervescent batch!!

A special mention about Sathya, fondly beckoned "thala", "tl" etc who, being in the same batch as me, bears my company and helps me out with so many day-to-day activities like crossing the wide road, boarding the correct bus etc.. We happened to have an interesting confrontation two years back at Anna University, Coimbatore during ME counselling. While 4 of us(me and my UG friends) were creating a mini fuss giggling there - This girl gave a terror look asking me for my name. I answered her and thought, "a padips maybe!!!" and had the same feeling every time i saw her at CEG. But now, i know that i was totally wrong!!! 

Till now, my life has always been populated with turns towards unexpected and unplanned paths. Thanks to all my dear friends who have been with me throughout this journey of twists and turns!!! Its you who add spice to life!!!

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