Saturday, September 14, 2019

When we turned mid-wives!

Reading some of my first blog posts makes me wonder how do i forget these? However hard i try, i cannot recall the situations or my thinking design when i penned them down. Makes me kind of feel that the person who had written it isn't (or is no longer) me! 

I wanted to archive this incident; it is very interesting and emotional that i do not want to forget it at all. Even if i do, i have this post to remind me!

This happened in the beginning of April'19. I fed my toddler lunch and just put her to sleep for afternoon siesta. My mother in law said, "See, a cow has given birth in front of the entrance!". Having not seen any natural birth in person, I was curious. When i went out, the mother had given birth, the calf was partially en-caul and the hind was still inside the mother. 

The three of us - myself, my mother in law and sister in law were clueless as to how to help the mother and offspring. We frantically googled for vets nearby and could not reach any. The calf was breathing inside the sac; it was alarming to see its breathing pattern change (or so I thought). But we were not sure of helping the calf by peeling the membrane off its face since its hind was still inside ("Maybe the mother thinks we are harming her child and gives us a kick on face!" was my thought). However, by God's grace the calf was expelled fully from the mother after some time. 

Now, my sister in law diverted the mother by offering her water in a bucket. The calf was lying on the ground, motionless. I do not understand what got into me, I bent down and peeled the membrane off the calf's face chanting God's name. I could feel blood rush into my head, hands shivering, heart pounding in its full speed etc. It was a micro-palpitation. That was "real" adrenaline rush I must say. The calf mooed "maaa" - it was the most re-assuring, soothing sound next to my daughter's first wail. The mother licked the calf clean and to our astonishment, ate the membrane fully. The calf struggled,got up and started staggering around a car. The new mother, who was still bleeding and seemed weak, was spared any rest; she started following her little one in his stagger. Motherhood, the force which makes lives go round in cycles - it strengthens and weakens too; affects a mother in conflicting ways. We offered the mother some brinjals, broad beans and pearl millet (கம்பு | kambu in Tamil). The calf tried to start feeding but could not latch properly. Later, the person raising the cow came, tied the calf to a bicycle carrier and made the cow walk to their place. 

The feeling of having helped a tender life and the one who nurtured it inside her - it was divine to say the least. Words fall short to express that emotion. We too felt motherly towards the calf. How would doctors feel each time they save a life! Isn't their's a blessed profession! To save lives! To alleviate pain! That would be the most sacred and divine feeling!

The new life which came out, the one which held it inside her, our intention to help them - these i felt, are God! World would be a better place if we all try to see ourselves at least, if not God, in everyone around us!

Ending this post with a gif of the mother and the baby in their cuddly moments; excuse the shaky visual, the video was shot by kids, human kids i mean!
