Thursday, May 27, 2010

An year @ CEG...

     I dint even think of entering Anna University or doing PG when i was @ UG... But destiny had other plans and now i am a CEGian. 

     Soon after the counselling, the following thought engulfed my mind. "Hmmm, great that I have landed in one of the prestigious institutions of the country!!! But, will i be able to cope up with the environment here??? The fellow students would be very intelligent and i am going to be the odd man out in the class. Great professors are going to handle classes and i am going to sit blinking throughout... Only God gotta save me..."

     But i am happy that i was proved wrong by God.  Most of my classmates are very unassuming and amiable  in spite of their deep academic acumen. We discuss the difficult concepts taught in the class and learn together. We dont hesitate to help each other. 

     And the teachers... They are fantabulous... Really havent come across teachers with such deep subject knowledge. They are very friendly and down to earth too... However trivial are the questions put forth , they answer with a smile. I was taken aback by the spontaneity and flair with which Dr.K.S.Easwara Kumar used to handle data structures classes for us. Though i failed in all the Data Structure internals, used to really enjoy the lectures.

    There are some unforgettable things which happened. One was, INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY with the girls wearing saree. I dared not to think that something like that would happen in a PG class. I think ours is the only PG set which had stood apart from others. That was the brainchild of Swetha and  kudos to her!!! Another was our class meet up with the Karkys @ Elliots Beach. It was my first time to meet one of the teachers with his family and our classmates. The meeting was followed by our playing heartily and getting drenched in the salty waters of the sea . I interacted with some of my classmates for the first time there!!! Had great time with you folks!!!   Nd personally, i had watched a couple of films @ theatres with my classmates , which were unforgettable.
    My friends in the class are very caring and concerned. While most of my classmates have an unquenchable craving to LEARN, there are few people for whom SCORING is the primary concern. They go to the extent of even comparing their marks with others' and behave like KG kids. And there are a few others who think so astute of themselves for having got done a work from others and dont realize the benevolence of the person who helped them. 

    There is a person, whom i would like to mention in this post to make it complete. Its Meena Akka., my  classmate sitting right behind our bench and sharing a good rapport with almost everyone in the class. A few days before the first semester examinations, i met her in the campus and was lamenting to her about my poor performance in the internals and my fear of getting an arrear. She induced confidence and courage in me with her words. Thank you ka... 

    I thank all my classmates and the teachers who had made my life @ CEG, a great time... Thank you...
