Friday, January 29, 2010

failure - is it a sin?

என் தோழியின் வீட்டிற்க்கு சென்றிருந்த போது ஒரு திரைப்படத்தை  காண நேர்ந்தது... அதில், வாழ்கையில் நல்ல நிலைக்கு வந்துவிட்ட தன்  மகனை முன்னாளில் கொடுமை படுத்தியதை நினைத்து தந்தை வருந்துகிறார்... அதை பார்த்த என் தோழியின் அப்பா கூறினார், "இதே இந்த பையன் வாழ்கையில முன்னேறாம தோல்வி அடஞ்சிருந்தா அந்த அப்பா வருத்தப் படுவாரா? இல்ல அந்த பையன மதிப்பாரா? பெத்த அப்பாவா  இருந்தா கூட நல்ல நெலமைக்கு வந்தா தான் மதிக்கறாங்க..."
though this seems like a segment of the lamenting, the truth behind is very very disheartening...
parental love is regarded the purest form of love... just because a person is not successful in his life, does it mean that he is unfit for the love of his  parents?
the definition given for success is too narrow - "a flat in a posh apartment, good bank balance, a car, one of the rooms in the house going air conditioned, bla bla bla "....   and the parents think that in order to acquire all these, their wards gotta study well.. nd end up torturing the kids with regards to 10th, 12th exams, entrance tests, etc etc... this only raises the pressure on the children and doesnt help even an iorta in building them up...

so, let us not look down upon anyone for his failure... evaluate him only for the person in him...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

does anyone need to be proud because of her / his apperance?

beauty... something which everyone likes... who doesnt like to be beautiful? right from a K.G school kid trying to imitate kareena's dressing sense to 50+ paatis and thaathas, all like to look good...
but is beauty something which one can be proud of? is it an achievement? was it obtained by hard work or toil?
it has been passed on from the parent to the child...
and it is relative too... something which one thinks is beautiful may not evoke the same feeling in another person...
many people whom i come across are very proud about their apperance and attire... nd the worst part is that they look down upon those whom they think arent beautiful... they fail to fathom that, one day, all the beauty will wither off their branches... what will be left back is only the person in them and not the handsomeness or beauty...

teachers... please...

teaching... one of the noblest professions in the world...
a teacher can instill moral thoughts in a child easily and effectively...

a good teacher is someone who does not  teach lessons only, but also knows his / her responsibility of making the child a good human being.

in this age of violence due to religious fanaticism, caste, creed, color, gender etc,  etc, i personally feel that only the teachers can mould young minds in the right path. these days, even the parents sow seeds of religious fanaticism in the delicate hearted children making them end up as anti social elements or terrorists.

it is very disheartening to see videos and pictures of small children, just nearing ten years of age, being trained to kill.  do we have to give guns in those tender hands?

teachers... please know how powerful you are...  just make your students realize the value of human life...
together, we can make for a better tomorrow...

Friday, January 15, 2010

a trip down memory lane

i feel very much bored now. though the infrastructure is sophisticated and teachers are very knowledgeable at ceg, i really miss my ug college. the people here are very studious (cant get connected with them!!!!!!!!). i miss my class where studying was given the least and fun was given the highest priority.
listing those things i miss now...

* passing letters during boring lectures
* writing songs in praise(???!!!) of lecturers
* shouting out nd calling it singing
* music classes which i handled for my roomates
* late night arattai with my roomates
* evening snacks under the banyan tree
* group studeeeez(?)
* short naps in between study hours
* one cup of canteen tea for 6 grlz
* strenuous NCC parades
* diary saga's time every night
* over night preparation for any function
* compiring in tamizh nd english
* funny tamizh mandram
* scoldings nd tears coz of T&P i/c
* long walks with frnz
* take it easy attitude even in the worst of sitns
* saturday night films in old hostel ground
* sunday food from home
* poems written for teachers' day
* songs sung before english lab
* songs heard during project hours
* our saree comedeeez
* tragic campus interviews
* dancing(?) in IV
* polambing to viji, torturing her
* shouting with rukku
* bunking classes with sathya
* teasing ilak
* teaming with alagu
* torturin bhags
* gettin cornered by all
* PEACE fights nd 3 consecutive wins
* dancing with 6.2
* PEACE victory celebrations
* funny encounter during IPT (deiva... rembr?)
* early morning quarrels with kutty
* going late to college with mahesh
* waving hands to premalatha during mgmt class
* vanja pugazhchi to saras mam
* ma frnz srchn 4 a perfect match (dwarf) for me
* stealthy orkut browsing at net lab
* makin aruna nd nisha tie d saree for me
* getting saved by kavitha mam
* doing notorious acts nd not getting caught

nd d list doesnt get over... it ll be nice if u also list it either in my blog or the group id... welcome dears...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 idiots... All izz wellll...

today i got the chance to watch a good movie 3IDIOTS.

it talks about the faulty educational system prevalent in our country and the depth of friendship, peppered with humour. it is a feel good film which makes us come with a smile wen we r outta d theatre. its not preachy...

it is supposed to have been adapted from a chethan bhagath novel.
all the characters have been written well and the actors have done a great job. the film touches our hearts in some scenes.

most of us pursue or have pursued studying just because our parents wanted us to do so. we did not pursue what our hearts wanted to.

and crazy people (like me) do not even find out what they really wish to do. we are just like a dried leaf being driven by the river current.

wen we become parents atleast, let us not interfere with our children's desires... let them fly outta our nest and explore this wide, wide sky, by themselves...

dont miss the film...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

ஒரு நல்ல பாடம்

i went to the cobbler at anna university with my friend to get my torn footwear stitched.

i have got it stitched many times before by other cobblers but the footwear got torn again and again.

this man, the anna univ cobbler, was deaf and dumb. he did his work so well that we were just taken aback by his workmanship.after stitching it, he polished it and made it just like a new one.

inspite of the room having so many footwear strewn around, his slippers were lying outside the room only (this was noticed by my friend). WORK IS WORSHIP!

we, the educated, sophisticated people, have to learn from men like this one. we have something to learn from everyone no matter how this society ranks them. watever may be the work that we undertake, we gotta do it with utmost sincerity and dedication.

nice to see people like him.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

helping hands are better than praying lips

i think all of us would have read a story "Where love is God is" by leo tolstoy saying how god came to the house of cobbler martin.
i have seen so many people, so religious and prayerful with no regards to the fellow humans.
is it right?
in my opinion, its a waste. i think god wants us to be good human beings first of all and then only come prayers etc.
an atheist, who is honest, loving, kind, unselfish will be blessed by god in abundance than anyone who is pious, dishonest, rude and selfish.
a person who cannot understand the feelings of another human being is sure not to understand god.

a goooood start

finally, the blog bug has bit me too...
this is a door for others to enter my world...
whenever something negative which we had not expected happens, we tend to blame god for it.
as a person who has strong belief in god, i wanna say that god knows what is best for us. and what he has offered will always be the best one we could get.
this doesnt mean that we must cease to make efforts. if our duty is done properly, god will reward it accordingly.
